Facing a UCMJ Investigation?

Protect Your Rights with Military Law Center.

Facing a UCMJ investigation? California service members have rights! Get legal help from Military Law Center. Protect your future.
Protecting Your Rights / During UCMJ Investigations
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A UCMJ investigation can be a stressful and confusing experience. If you are under investigation for a potential violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), it’s crucial to understand your rights and take immediate action to protect yourself.

What is an Article 32 Preliminary Hearing

Military Law Center stands ready to assist you.  Our experienced attorneys specialize in UCMJ investigations and can guide you through every step of the process.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Silence is Your Right: You have the right to remain silent during a UCMJ investigation. You are not obligated to answer questions from law enforcement or your command.
  • Seek Legal Counsel: You have the right to consult with an attorney at any stage of the investigation. An attorney can advise you on your rights and develop a strategic approach to protect your interests.
  • Don’t Fall for Tactics: Military law enforcement may use seemingly casual conversations to gather information. Remember, their objective is to build a case against you, not to help you.

The Consequences of Not Acting:

Failing to understand your rights during a UCMJ investigation can have serious consequences.  Here’s how seemingly innocuous statements can lead to additional charges:

  • Example: A service member suspected of theft attempts to explain their innocence by revealing unauthorized international travel. This disclosure can lead to an additional charge of violating a lawful general order (Article 92).

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late:

Contacting Military Law Center immediately allows our team to begin building your defense strategy.  We will advocate for your rights and ensure a fair and just outcome.

Schedule a free consultation with Military Law Center today to discuss your UCMJ investigation.  We are dedicated to protecting the rights of service members throughout California and nationwide.

Call our office today at 760-536-9038 to speak with one of our experienced military law attorneys.

Military Law Center Is Ready to Help You – Right Now.

Call Us Today – (760) 536-9038

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